منظمة حقوق االنسان والتنمية
Human Rights and Development Organization (HUDO)
Appeal (4)
Detainee/ Shamseldin Jomaa
Name: Shamseldin Jomaa Hassan
Age: 31 Years
Marital Status: Single
Original Home Residency: Elfaid Um-Abdalla (Nuba Mountains)
Occupation: Government Employee
Place of Work: Rashad (Nuba Mountains)
Academic Qualification: Graduate (Juba University)
Political Affiliations: None
Date of Arrest: 04.07.2012
Arrested by: Military Intelligence (MI)
Place of Arrest: Rashad Town
Place of Detention: Rashad MI Cells, later transfered to Al Abbasiya Cells.
Investigations: He was interrogated under torture twice, firstly in Rashad when he was arrested and the second time on 23rd July at Al Abbasiya. All investigations rotate about his tribe and his knowledge and communications with his relatives and friends joined SPLA.
Other Details: He was visited by his brother on 24th July 2012 at Al Abbasiya detention. It was during this visit that he saw marks of torture on his chest and back, and the detainee complained of torture. After the mentioned visit this brother went back to Rashad and Abu Jibaiha to contact the authorities in order to solve this issue. On 6th August 2012 he received a call informing him that Shamseldin escaped from his detention. Up to now his family does not know what is the truth. Detainee’s family comment: They don’t believe the escaping story due to high guarding/protection of the prison. More so, most of them (detainees) are kept inside cells all the time and most of them are chained. “We hope he succeeded in escaping”.
HUDO 15.09.2012