نظمة حقوق االنسان والتنمية
Human Rights and Development Organization (HUDO)
Appeal (9)
Very Urgent Appeal
Genocide and Massacre against Lafoufa Tribe in Al-Leri
Al-Leri is small town consist of two parts east and west separated by hill,
it is now capital of Al-Leri locality (in a past it is part from Talodi
locality), it is (56) km east Talodi. The indigenous group are Lafoufa and
Talsa, there are Arab tribes (Kawahla and Hawazma) as far other tribes now a
day exist. Lafoufa is the biggest tribe within Al-Leri. On (22nd of October
2012) at Aradeeba village (30 km NE Al-Leri) loaded by people and goods coming
from Abu Jibaiha to Al-Leri, attacked by armed group which resulted four
deaths. When the trail lead to Al-Leri hill, the governmental military and
defense force gathered and climbed the hill on (23rd of October 2012). The
armed group made ambush for them resulted on sixteen deaths and some injured
among the governmental one. Then the governmental authorities asked for more
soldiers, when they climbed found the armed group went out the hill.
Immediately after the governmental troop came down they react against the
civilian from Lafoufa tribe by burning the houses of Lafoufa tribe as many
among them arrested male and female (the governmental military thought the
armed group are SPLA and they believed on Lafoufa tribe as their supporter),
also some were killed, among them:
· Adam Jojo, Mc of Lafoufa
(top community leader) and is one of the richest people in Al-Leri, his shops
looted under defense force supervising and his lories, tractors and houses
confiscated by the governmental military.
· Hejab Alfaki Some of the
people arrested are:
§ Abdalla Jojo (Male)
§ Hawa Elkoura (Female)
§ Kella Marzouq (Female)
§ Noura (Female)
§ Adam Teela (Male)
Today (1st of November 2012) a big group of military soldiers and public
defense force soldiers climbed to the hill searching all the villages up there
(all these villages occupied by Lafoufa). HUDO we do hardly to complete the
names, numbers of deaths and detainees. And also will trace any information
about Moro also, because now there is talk within Al-Leri saying that, the
armed group attacked the tractor there are Moro among them. we don’t know is
this introduction for attacking the Moro dwell? Hence no one among that group
killed or captured so as to be evidence against them. HUDO urging for urgent
move to stop killing, torture arrested people and looting against Lafoufa,
because now in Al-Leri no one talk about SPLA as suspected but they talk about
Lafoufa which mean more targeting.
HUDO 1st of October 2012