Mrs. Taysir Abdul Gadir Elbushra

Human Rights and Development Organization (HUDO)
                                                                                                         Appeal (11) Miss/ Taysir

Name: Taysir Abdul Gadir Elbushra
Age: 26 Years
Academic Qualification: Graduate
Occupation: Governmental Employee
Political Affiliation: SPLM
Original Residence: Talodi
Place of Work: Kadogli
Date of Arrest: 05.11.2012
Arrested by: NISS
Place of Arrest: Kadogli – Busses Station
Kind of Detention: Report and Staying at NISS office up to midnight
Details: She went with relative lady and had something to send to El Obeid by bus to the busses station. There they went to NISS office at the station (as new regulations). After they did the procedure one of NISS members followed and asked her to come back office. They Immediately transferred her to their main office. While in NISS main office, she was interrogated under weapon threats and they kept her phone on and forced her to reply (answering) any calls while the loud speaker was on. All the interrogation was about her commitment/involvement with SPLM, who calls her from those in SPLA and they accused her 0f correcting the SPLA shelling via phone. She denied all these accusation and mentioned that on her previous arrest (she was arrested on June 2011 for two days) she swear not to do any political activities, and she committed to that. She was kept in NISS office up to 11:00 pm when her boss came and talked to them, then they gave her permission to go and come back early morning. She came the second day and faced the same dialogue up to midnight. They left her to go home and come back early morning. So she did the same and the routine continued. Up to now no one knows when it will be over.

 HUDO 7th November 2012