Blue Nile Trials Update 3

Human Rights and Development Organization (HUDO)
                                                                                                  Update on Blue Nile Trials (3)

The judge trials for blue Nile incidents’ defendants continued at Sinja town in front of Judge/ Abduelmoneim Younis (Head of Eldindir town general court), the sessions were performed for two days as declared, in accordance with the following details:
Day One (24th June 2013)
Case No. (1716/2011) defendant/ Elsheikh Ali Elnour

This is the fourth session for the case, the judge listened to three accusation witnesses, by this step the accusation panel closed their file.
Case No.(4523/2011) defendants Elsir Aamir Elzaki & Abdalla Elzain Ragab

This is the third session for the case. The court investigated the defendant/ Abdalla Elzain Ragab, and he disclaimed all accusations against him (the other defendant/ Elsir Aamir was been investigated in the previous session). The accusation panel closed their file.

Day Two (25th June 2013)
Case No. (4086/2011) defendant/ Musa Jahalla Ando

This is the fifth court session for the case. The court investigated the defendant, he disclaimed all accusations against him. The accusation panel closed their file.
Case No. (1716/2011) defendant/ Elsheikh Ali Elnour
This is the fifth session for the case. The court investigated the defendant and he disclaimed all accusations against him. Case No. (4325/2011) defendants are:
1. Sadam Abass John (listed with the 79 defendants)
2. Ali Idriss (listed with the 79 defendants)
3. Elnour Jackin Jackouni (Brought from Elrosearis prison)
4. Ali Tugul Bulaad (Brought from Elrosearis prison)
5. Hassan Suliman Mussa (Brought from Elrosearis prison)
6. Nabeil Taha Amir (Brought from Elrosearis prison) This case referred by the prosecutor attorney to the court lately on (13th June 2013). The defendants facing accusations under articles (21, 130, 186, 187, 189, 191) in Criminal Panel Code, articles (5,6) in Terrorism Combating Act and article (6) in Weapons and ammunition Act. The judge declared a court session on 8th July for hearing the police investigator and the complainer. Other Coming court sessions The Judge declared other coming court sessions for remained cases as follows:

1) Case No. (5028/2011) defendant/ Elrasheed Eloumda The judge declared the coming court session on 7th July 2013, for hearing the remained accusation witnesses.
2) Case No. (5276/2011) defendant/ Gomaa Hamid Mansour The judge declared the coming court session on 8th July 2013, for hearing the police investigator and complainer.
3) Also the Judge declared the date of (8th July 2013) as a day of the official judge charges announce for the cases bellow:
• Case No. (4086/2011) defendant/ Musa Jahalla Ando
• Case No. (1716/2011) defendant/ Elsheikh Ali Elnour
• Case No. (4523/2011) defendants/ Elsir Aamir Elzaki & Abdalla Elzain Ragab

The judge will announce the charges according to the following possibilities: o Accept all charges as the prosecutor attorney declared in his accusation. Correcting the prosecutor charges by rejecting some, replacing some by others or adding depending on judge opinion. Reject all charges without replacing (which mean to free the defendant). Depending to this step the association of defense lawyers will put their defense plan.
Case No. (4176/2011)
For the remained defendants This case for (79) defendants, but the prosecutor pull two and added them to case NO. (4325/2011) which meant they remained (77) defendants on this case, unless the prosecutor did other modification. Up to now the judge did nothing in their case.

Important Notes:

• Now it is appeared clearly the number of the defendants is more than what declared. The prosecutor brought four defendants unlisted, which made the total number (89) instead of (85), however HUDO got strong information about other detainees in Elrosearis prison, the prosecutor planning to add them to this trials.
• The court now involving in violating detainees rights by keeping them long in jail without taking any design on them.
• The court sessions of declaring the charges by judge on 8th July 2013 is very important and it is joint court sessions. These sessions will discover the court minding.
•  There are some among the defendants are members in (NCP) and never related to SPLM/N, but they are targeted ethnically (etc. Elsheikh Ali Elnour, NCP member, public police member, Angasana tribe).

Appeal: The trials entered serious and critical point, within will be more clear what the government planning. HUDO is appealing strongly for all national and international NGOs, UN agencies, embassies, and individual activist, to attend the upcoming mentioned court sessions.

HUDO 30th June 2013