منظمة حقوق الانسان والتنمية
Human Rights and Development Organization (HUDO)
Appeal (18)
Urgent Action Needed
On 4th of July 2013 the Ugandan police attacked apartment in Kampala rented by
Sudanese, and arrested two members of Sudanese Revolution Front under
accusation of illegal staying, since date they are jailed at Bokoto, Kirra road
police office, facing deportation to Khartoum. The two men wanted by Khartoum
government in political issues. Details of them
1. Salah Mohammed Abduelrahman (Abuelsoura): He is a member of the high board
of SRF and chairman of Darfurian movement named The Revolution Democratic Front
(RDF), which merged with SLA/ Abduelwahid. Since ninety he kept on and off
jailing due to his political activities, the last arrestment on 2005 with Dr.
Mudawi Ibrahim, within this arresting he operated surgical and after released
due to his health situation, immediately after he fled Sudan and faced many
challenges. Now if he deport to Sudan he will face death sentences or jailing
in a good status. He asked the police authorities to deport him Eretria (he
held Eritrean passport too).
2. Mohammed Ibrahim Omer (Fateera): He is a commander and high leader in RDF.
He broke down his studies at Elnilein University in Khartoum and fled from
Sudan three years ago due to recurrent arrestment resulted by his political
activities within the university. He is carrying South Sudan refugee ID card,
and he is not willing to go back South Sudan.
HUDO strongly appealing for immediately action (the deportation mostly be
tonight) which can avoid deportation to Khartoum as follow:
• If possible to legalize their stay in Uganda.
• If it is not possible, the deportation to be for country they accept it.
Salah (Abuelsoura) prepared his ticket to Asmara/ Eretria, which mean he needs
confirming not to be Khartoum/ Sudan. And Mohammed (Fateera) to be for country
accepting him and he accept by, not Juba/ South Sudan or Khartoum/ Sudan.
HUDO 16th July 2013