On 2nd October 2017, a group of military intelligence (MI) personnel on three (3) land cruiser vehicles headed by captain arrested five family members in Elfaid Um-Abdalla. Among the arrested was an underage/boy and all were accused of associating with SPLA-N. Since then, they are held in isolation and denied family visits. They are suspected to be under torture and ill[1]treatment. The arrested people are; Mukhtar Badawi Adam Shaheer, 18 years old;
Elsheikh Abdalla Alhasab Mohammed Shaheer, 17 years old;
Hassan Albadawi Mohammed Shaheer, 23 years old;
Alhasab Aldaw Alkhairi, 34 years old and Adam Aldaw Alkhairi, 52 years old.

All the five are cattle keepers from Elfaid Um-Abdalla. On 2nd October 2017, twenty four (24) MI personnel on three (3) land cruiser vehicles led by Sudan Army Forces (SAF) Captains named Altayeb and Abdelateef came to Mr. Badawi’s house at Elfaid Um-Abdalla and asked him where his son Mukhtar was? He answered that Mukhtar is grazing the cattle in the nearby village and took them to where Mukhtar and the others were. Immediately, they started beating Mukhtar, Elsheikh, Hassan and Alhasab then they tied all of them and put them in the vehicles. Mukhtar was injured in his face. The MI soldiers drove the detainees around the village market showing them to people and soon after they took them to Abu-Kershola MI office (50 km north Elfaid Um-Abdalla).
On 3rdOctober 2017, Abdo Alhasab Mohammed Shaheer (Uncle of detainees) went to Abu-Kershola MI office to visit the detainees but he was denied access to them. On 4th October 2017, Aldaw Alkhairi with his son Adam went to MI office to ask about his detained son Alhasab Aldaw. They found MI soldier named Alnour Suliman and other two who denied him access to detainees. On this visiting occasion, Adam (the son) was slapped and arrested by Alnour Suleiman who said that “he is also SPLM-N member and we need him”. Then other MI soldiers tied Adam and chased the father out. HUDO got reliable information that, the detainees were transferred to El-Obeid (North Kordufan State) MI custody except Adam Aldaw Alkhairi who is still held at Abu-Kershola MI custody. All of them are detained in bad conditions and are undergoing inhuman treatment with no access to family visits or lawyers contact. HUDO is very concerned about their detention and calls upon;
· Sudan government to allow family and lawyers visits
· Sudan government to hold MI members dealing in such a way accountable
· The MI authorities to ensure that the detainees are not subjected to torture or any ill-treatment.
· The military authorities to stop arresting civilians and to release the current detainees or to send them to the courts of law if there is any recognized case to answer.
· Sudan government should lift the state of emergency imposed on the conflict areas. More information The state of emergency status in the conflict states enhanced MI to arrest civilians in that many people suffer ill-treatment and torture. In South Kordufan the arrest happens mostly in the Eastern Region for instance;
1. On 11th April 2017, retired teacher Mr. Alsamani Osman Mahmoud, 50 years old, was arrested by MI at a weekly market in Al-Abbasiya. He was taken to Al-Abbasiya military base and accused of associating with SPLA-N. He was later released on 29th May 2017 after being physically (beaten) and psychologically (insulted) tortured.
2. On 4th July 2017, Mr. Shamsoun Tubra, his wife/ Hawa and his sister/ Khameesa were arrested by MI in Umbrambeta. The arrest was in line of their displacement from SPLA-N territory to the governmental territory. They have been arrested and denied access to lawyers contact and detained in bad conditions. 3. On 29th July 2017, Mr. Mohammed Ghaboush Yasein was arrested by a group of Sudan Army Forces in Khor-Eldelaib. The arrest was because he was suspected to be trading with SPLA-N. He is suspected to be facing torture and ill-treatment.