HUDO Centre 1
27th November 2018
                                                                                                             PRESS STATEMENT
                                                                                                         (For immediate release)
                                                                 KILLING OF CIVILIAN BY DRUNK SOLDIERS IN DAMAZIN/ SUDAN

On 12th November 2018, drunken SAF soldiers shot dead a civilian in Damazin town of Blue Nile State/ Sudan for no reason. The family of the deceased was intimidated from taking any legal procedure. On 12 ndNovember 2018 night, a group of Sudan Arm Forces (SAF) soldiers who usually drink alcohol at Rayeh Balak suburb in Damazin town and shoot randomly with their guns, shot Mr. Jebrail Musa Jebrail on his head which caused his immediate death. After this incident, this group of soldiers runs to the SAF garrison/barracks where they have been protected. The deceased family was intimidated not to take any legal process. The dead body was buried while the perpetrators are moving freely and no action has been taken against them. Damazin is the capital city of Blue Nile State. Mr. Jebrail Musa Jebrail was 48 years old, married and self[1]employed. HUDO was informed by one of the neighbours of the deceased’s family that, the family was forced by SAF in Damazin to accept deeya/ blood money and to keep silent. HUDO is very concerned about the safety of civilian in conflict areas and calls upon;
· Sudan government to apprehend the soldiers with the Blue Nile commandant and account for Jebrail’s life and authority misuse.
· Sudan government should safeguard civilians’ rights of security and life.

End: For further information please write to: