No. H.K/PR/38/019
29th December 2019
On 22nd December 2019, the court of appeal in Damazin upheld/ maintained the
verdict of the lower court which was made on 17th November 2019 between Mr.
Muntasir and the Sudan Armed Force (SAF) soldier. But the position of the
confiscated vehicle is still unclear. On 25th October 2019, SAF at Singa Nabak
village unlawfully confiscated a commercial vehicle belonging to Mr. Muntasir
Ali. His vehicle was impounded because he had earlier reported the assault case
against one of the soldiers who had assaulted him. On 17thNovember 2019, the
judge of Damazin court found this to be an assault case and ruled that the
soldier should pay two thousand SDG (approximately 30 USD) as compensation.
But, Mr. Muntasir appealed to the higher court (Appeal Court). On 22nd December
2019, the Appeal Court of Damazin upheld the verdict. But, Muntasir’s vehicle
is still held at the military base as he struggles to file a case with police
about it. A reliable source in Blue Nile informed HUDO that, the former regime
members are still active in Blue Nile State government and the judicial system
as well as the security agencies support each other. HUDO is very concerned
about the situation of civilians in conflict states and calls upon;
· The defense minister
should immediately take action against the Blue Nile State commandant to
release Mr. Muntasir’s vehicle and compensate him fairly.
·The minister of justice to
ensure that there is rule of law and protection of rights of civilians in
conflict areas.
· Sudan government to end the
state of emergency which allowed the armed forces to act on their will.
· Sudan government to
respect its international obligations towards their citizens.
End For reading the updated report, please visit: