UA Two activists attacked by armed people in Kadogli

No. H.K/UA/03/021
17th January 2021

On 11th January 2021 night, two activists were attacked and beaten by three armed masked people on the street at Kadogli town. The reason for the attack is unknown yet, perpetrators escaped away, the two victims were both injured. A case against anonymous was filed at Kadogli police. On 11th January 2020 at 09:00 pm (Sudan local time), while two community activists Mr. Zuki Adam Ahmed and Mr. Burhan-Eldin Mohammed Ghaboush were walking back home, they were attacked by three armed and masked people. The attackers had disappeared after badly injured Mr. Zuki on his left leg and Mr. Burhan-Eldin in his right arm. The two injured activists were taken to Kadogli hospital where they received a medical care. A police case against anonymous was filed at Kadogli central police office. The reason behind the attack and the nature of the perpetrators is unknown yet. An activist in Kadogli informed HUDO that, “he believed that the incident has a connection with the demonstration on 27th December 2020 as the two activists did play a key role in organizing the marsh through their organization Kadogli Locality Youth Forum”. HUDO is very concerned about the situation of civilians in conflict areas and calls upon:
· Sudan government to address the state of insecurity in South Kordufan/ Nuba Mountains.
· Sudan government to ensure that the safety of civilians in conflict areas is guaranteed
· Sudan government to ensure that police executes their duties responsibly by observing the rule of law. · Sudan government to dissolve the government militias and disarm people with unlicensed firearms.
· Sudan government to respect the constitutional rights of citizens
· Sudan government to respect its international obligations. HUDO Centre More information Mr. Zuki Adam Ahmed (know by nickname Zuki Shiko) is 35 years old and he is the president (chairperson) of Kadogli Locality Youth Forum (KLYF). Mr. Burhan-Eldin Mohammed Ghaboush is 28 years old and he is the vice president of KLYF. Kadogli Locality Youth Forum (KLYF) is a platform that was established in Kadogli town after ouster of the former president (Bashir) in 2019. The platform main term of reference was to conduct public debates for social and political issues in Kadogli locality and trying to come up with proposal for solution of the current issues in collaboration with the governmental bodies. The platform and in particular these two activists had organized the public march that took place on 27th December 2020. Kadogli is a capital city of Kadogli locality and South Kordufan State/ Nuba Mountains. Noticeably, the state governor had made a social visit to the two injured activists/ victims and promised to apprehend the perpetrators. The insecurity in Nuba Mountains/ South Kordufan State is deteriorating day after day. Over and over again HUDO Centre reported the incidents of murder, injuring and looting from different parts of the state while police or the security committee is watching with no action or investigation. The affected rights: Security and safety
· Article (44) Sudan Transition Constitutional Document 2019
· Article (3) in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights