Insecurity status in Abu Jibaiha

No.: H.K/PS/48/021

19th August 2021

                                                                    PRESS STATEMENT INSECURITY IN ABU-GEBAIHA, SUDAN
Since July 2021, the military deployed in the eastern region of South Kordufan State to combat insecurity, but other kinds of violations also came up and these were committed by the security forces themselves especially in Abu-Gebaiha town. On 17th July 2021, a group of SAF soldiers together with police were patrolling around Abu-Gebaiha town. They intimidated the people, assaulted and shaved/ bald a trader by names of Mr. Ahmed Nasr Edriss (30 years old). The following day (18th July 2021) they intimidated and shaved/ bald the head of a pharmacy worker named Mr. Mohammed Abdalla known by nickname of Abu Kalabeish (32 years old). On 31stJuly 2021 at 2:00AM (Sudan time), Seven armed people dressed in Sudan Armed Force (SAF) uniform invaded Shandi Fouq market in Abu-Gebaiha town and robbed the civilians who were in guest houses of their money and smarts phones. The cases were reported individually at Abu[1]Gebaiha police but not action was taken. On 6th August 2021, two armed and masked people assaulted Mr. Hassan Edriss (a trader) at his shop in Umadara neighbourhood of Abu-Gebaiha. They also robbed him of 49000 SDG (about $110), 39 smart phones and 31 phones’ batteries. The case was reported at Abu-Gebaiha police but no investigation was held. HUDO is very concerned about the security situation and the safety of civilians in conflict areas and calls upon;

· Sudan government to urgently solve the problem of insecurity in Abu-Gebaiha town.
· Sudan government to ensure that there is rule of law.
· Sudan government to hold to account the security commandant in Abu-Gebaiha town.
· Sudan government to dissolve the government militias and disarm people with unlicensed firearms.

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