No. H.K/UA/17/021
31 st August 2021
Since the regime of former president Al Bashir up to now, Sudan government has been denying a sub-tribe of Broun the right to nationality and other constitutional rights. As a result, children can hardly access schools and other societal basic benefits. After the cessation of South Sudan in 2011, Sudan government by then denied a sub-tribe of Broun (Dar Shageya/ Maban) the right of nationality yet it allowed them to vote in 2015 election. Many attempts have been made by this sub-tribe supported by chief community leader in Blue Nile (Mc. Elfateh Yousif Adlan) but the government is still unwilling. The current federal transitional government inherited this violation and did not stop it. However, the Blue Nile State government recently has ensured to consider their right of getting the nationality. The military soldiers from this sub-tribe have been facing mistreatment. They have had been dismissed and denied service benefit, pension and other incremental benefits approved by the transitional government among other forms of exclusion which affected their families’ wellbeing. Also due to lack of official documents for the tribe members, children were kept out of schools, families go without health and other services coverage/ benefits, unable to complete their land registration and they are always threatened to be removed from their homes. An activist from Blue Nile expressed to HUDO that, “the former regime had denied them the nationality and considered them South Sudanese because of their religion as Christians. Now we are surprised that the transitional government is also delaying in solve this issue”. HUDO Centre is very concerned about the violations of citizens’ constitutional rights and calls upon:
· Sudan’s Sovereign Council to issue a clear order about solving Broun/ Maban issue
· Sudan prime minister to make the needed reparation for Broun/ Maban community
· The minister of interior affair to solve this problem and to release the desired logistics means concerning this issue to the state department.
· The minister of defense to rectify and compensate the dismissed soldiers benefits and pension
· Sudan government to respect their citizen constitutional rights. HUDO Centre More information Broun tribe is one of the known indigenous tribes in Blue Nile State. It has thirteen Sub-tribes and Dar Shageya is one of them. All of them use the same language of Broun. According to community leaders, since early eighties (1980s), Dar Shageya has been known also by the name of Maban. This word Maban in Broun language means human, and it was given to Dar Shageya by the Christian missionary group around 1982 (in differentiating them from other Broun) as the mission had succeeded in convincing them about Christianity. The majority of Dar Shageya people are Christians. Maban/ Dar Shageya is a frontier/ border tribe divided between Sudan and South Sudan but there are many cultural differences between them as the Sudanese group culturally similar to other Blue Nile tribes;
1. In hunting, they use Safarouk/ Trumbash while the south Sudanese are not.
2. In cultivation, they use Amintebab as plough tool while the South Sudanese do not.
3. In Music they use Zumbara while the South Sudanese only use drums. The population of Dar Shageya/ Maban in Sudan is about forty thousand (40,000) persons as estimated by their community leaders. The affected rights: Right to nationality and recognition
· Articles (43 & 45)Sudan Transition Constitutional Document 2019
· Articles (2 & 16)International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights read with articles (2 & 15) in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights