Arrest of RC member Abuzar in Kadogli Update

HUDO Centre No. H.K/PS/70/021
13th  November 2021
                                                 UPDATE ON ARREST OF RESISTANT COMMITTEE MEMBER IN KADOGLI, SUDAN

On 12th November 2021, Mr. Abuzar Daoud (member of Kadogli resistant committee) was released on bail. His confiscated phones were not given back to him. He was arrested because of his posts on Facebook (social media). On 12th November 2021 evening hours, Mr. Abuzar was released on bail. His phones which were confiscated by SAF were not given back to him. During interrogation, Mr. Abuzar was accused of posting an article in his Facebook account supporting the upcoming countrywide protest of 13th November 2021.The complainant is the head of General Intelligence Service (GIS) in Kadogli. On 11th November 2021 around 2:00 PM (Sudan local time), Mr. Abuzar Daoud Hussein was arrested by Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) from Kadogli market. During the arrest, SAF soldiers took him to their military base, confiscated his smart phones and thereafter took him to Kadogli central police and filed/ opened a case against him under articles (58 – Abetment of mutiny, 159 – Defamation and 160 – Insult and Abuse) in Sudan Criminal Penal – 1991. HUDO is very concerned about the situation of civilians in Sudan and calls upon:
· Sudan Armed Force in Kadogli to stop arresting civilians and to give back the confiscated phones to Mr. Abuzar
· The prosecution office in Kadogli to stop the arbitrary arrests, dismiss such charges and to account for the conduct of arresting officers.
· The national, international organizations and UN agencies to pay attention especially to the conflict areas mainly during this time of the coup.

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