Travellers robbed at Zeailana

HUDO Centre No.: H.K/PS/40/022
14th August 2022
                                                                                                            PRESS STATEMENT
                                                        ARMED PEOPLE ROBBED TRAVELERS NEAR ABU-KERSHOLA, SUDAN

On 6th August 2022, six (6) armed people robbed travelers of their money and smart phones at Al-Zeailana seasonal river. The travelers reported the case to Abu-Kershola police but, police did not respond. On 6th August 2022, seven (7) passengers together with their driver (Mr. Mutasim Mukhtar Mohammed) were traveling from Umbrembeta to El-Rahad on a commercial vehicle. They were forced to stop by six (6) armed men (as they shot bullets) at Al-Zeailana seasonal river (approximately 13 km south Abu-Kershola). The assailants searched the vehicle and robbed the passengers and driver of their smart phones and money (the driver alone was robbed of 3,000,000 SDG = about $5500 USD). Thereafter, the robbers disappeared. The victims of robbery continued their journey up to Abu-Kershola where they reported the case to police but, police did not respond. Mr. Mutasim Mukhtar Mohammed (45 years old) is a driver/ farmer and resident of Umbrembeta town; he had previously robbed on 21st April 2022. Umbrembeta and Abu-Kershola are towns in Abu[1]Kershola locality of South Kordufan State/ Nuba Mountains. El-Rahad is the nearest town in North Kordufan State and it’s about 100 Km north Umbrembeta. HUDO Centre is very concerned about the security situation and the safety of civilians in conflict areas and calls upon;
· Police in South Kordufan State/ Nuba Mountains to execute their duties responsibly and to immediately investigate this case.
· The prosecutor in South Kordufan/ Nuba Mountains to ensure that there is rule of law.
· The security committee in South Kordufan State to dissolve and disarm militias and ensure the safety of civilians.

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