Gunman killed a lady on ethnical base

HUDO Centre No.: H.K/PS/52/022
28th November 2022

On 20th November 2022, a gunman shot Ms. Zubaida Eisa at a farm East of Kadogli town. The gunman first inquired the victim’s ethnicity, tried to rape and finally shot bullets. The case was reported to Kadogli police but, there was no effective response. On 20th November 2022, a group of women were working (harvesting) together at a farm near Telu suburb of east Kadogli when an armed man with a face mask appeared to them asking for drinking water. Thereafter, he asked the women about their tribe whereby two of them were from Arab tribes, others from Bargo and three from Nuba tribes. He forced the three Nuba ladies to march under gunpoint away from the other ladies while telling them that, ‘I have a problem with Nuba’. The attacker tried to rape one of them but they resisted and ran away from him. He subsequently shot at them many bullets and as a result, Ms. Zubaida Eisa Komi was injured on her right thigh as the attacker run away. The two survivors together with other people from the surrounding farms rushed the injured lady to Kadogli hospital. But, she died on arrival due to severe bleeding (according to the postmortem). The case was reported to Kadogli central police office. The police only visited the crime scene but they did not search or investigate on the surrounding nomad camps for the attacker/ assailant. Zubaida Eisa Komi (31 years old) was from Nuba tribes. Kadogli is the capital city of South Kordufan State/ Nuba Mountains. Telu is a suburb at the eastern part of Kadogli town where there are many farms as well as nomad camps. HUDOCentre is very concerned about the security situation and the safety ofcivilians in conflict areas and calls upon;
· Police in South Kordufan State/ Nuba Mountains to execute their duties responsibly and to immediately investigate this case.
· The prosecutor in South Kordufan State/ Nuba Mountains to ensure that there is rule of law.
· The security committee in South Kordufan State/ Nuba Mountains to dissolve and disarm militias and ensure the safety of civilians.

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