No.: H.K/PS/30/023 Date: 5th September 2023
On 28th August 2023, Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) arrested Mr. Elhadi Omer Mohammed Ismail (Manga) from his home in Abu- Jibaiha. He was kept incommunicado at the military base up to the time of his release on 31st Aug 2023. The cause of the arrest was his political activities. On 28th August 2023, six (6) soldiers from Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) came with a military vehicle and arrested Mr. Elhadi Omer Mohammed Ismail from his home in Al-Madaris neighbourhood in AbuJibaiha. They took him and detained him incommunicado at Abu Jibaiha military base. He was detained under poor conditions; crowded cell, with little and poor-quality food and water. The cause of his arrest was his political activities and he was accused of being a member of Sudan People Liberation Movement – North (SPLM-N).
On 31st August 2023, he was released on condition that he should leave/ vacate the town of AbuJibaiha.
Mr. Elhadi Omer Mohammed Ismail (known by Elhadi Manga) is 37 years old, a trader, lives in AbuJibaiha town at Al-Madaris neighbourhood. He is a well-known political activist and an athlete.
Abu-Jibaiha is the main town of the Abu Jibaiha locality in South Kordofan State/ Nuba Mountains.
HUDO Centre is concerned about the safety of civilians in Sudan during this difficult period of fighting between SAF and RSF and calls for the followings:
• The Sudan Armed Force in Abu-Jibaiha to Immediately revoke the release condition of Mr.
Elhadi Manga and to respect his constitutional rights.
• The Commander of SAF in South Kordofan state/ Nuba Mountains to investigate the circumstances that led to the arrest of Mr. Elhadi Manga and make the findings public.
• The Sudan Armed Forces to stop arresting civilians arbitrarily.
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